One Thing That Will Make You a Better Spouse, Parent, & Entrepreneur, All At The Same Time


Are you curious?   What simple thing can make you better in so many areas of your life all that the same time…   Well I won’t make you wait any longer.

It’s a better you!

The reality is your personal health and well-being in all areas (physical, emotional, financial) affect who you are in all of your other roles.  Don't believe me quite yet?  Bear with me.  

Recently I found myself in a place I didn't love.   I was lacking patience with my kids, I was short with my wife,  and was just feeling sluggish and unmotivated overall.   Maybe you have found yourself there?    At your wit's end as a parent,  constantly fighting in your relationships or friendships, struggling to focus at work?  These might be symptoms that you need to take some time to invest in some self care for yourself.   

I say invest, because yes it may cost you but in the end the pay off can be huge.

So if you find yourself in this place what should you do?  Well, it looks a little different for everyone, but the short answer is "invest in you",

For me in meant hiring a babysitter for the day and taking the day for myself at my own pace. I had coffee on a patio, I went to the driving range, and finished with a trip to the gym.  I left feeling refreshed and ready to tackle what ever was ahead of me.   

This day did cost me something financially, I get that.  But it would cost my family a whole lot more in the long run if I didn't.  

For some of you, this is what you need: a day for you, to rest physically, to heal emotionally,  or maybe you are surrounded by people all day and you just need to be alone.  Maybe you need time with a good friend over coffee

For some this investment might be counselling.  You have tried on your own, and it just does not seem to get better, no matter what you do. Like many things in life it is just too much to heal, learn or change on your own.  A counsellor can help with that.  You can call for a free 15 minute phone consultation with us to see if it might be helpful for you.  

So what do you need to do this week to be a better you?   Read a book? Get some exercise? Rest? Have coffee with a friend, talk to a counsellor?   Make the invest we promise you would regret it.  

What are you learning now? We would love to hear.